A HUNDRED POES GOD&ODDS【電子書籍】[ The Poet from Omaezaki ]

A HUNDRED POES GOD&ODDS【電子書籍】[ The Poet from Omaezaki ]

<p>Modern poetry! I, more than 15 years on the road. A seagull flew down and dropped it at my feet a feather. The Seagull not felt and continued his flight towards the sun searching some warm. A gift from God. Winter of 2005 in Omaezaki city. The manner I received the feather come from a much more big and talented Poet...GOD. The symbol of the Writers. A Quill Pen Never Quilled! Not for sell. Was God! I believe. Thanks GOD!!! GOD bless. Pardon & Merci. My real name is Marcelo that means the sea and the sky. For me the sea shore is a place to reflex , meditate and to poetry! I received a miracle. GOD exist almighty or not , exist and search to be. Lucky period! I hope you receive your miracle too. When you see the small miracle will understand the miracle is enormous. Miracles happen. Almost 3 books in only one BOOK. Get the password in the ebook and visit the webpage. Internetbook a book on-line in the internet!!! www.poes.fr Enjoy the BOOK!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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